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If The Shoe Fits Page 14

  Her sister, oblivious to the undercurrent—for which Bella was profoundly grateful—smiled up at their wicked stepmother and began telling her all about her day as if the woman gave a damn.

  But that was Bella’s cross to bear, not Sophia’s. Which was why she’d ask Reese for those extra tickets Friday night.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I wish Reese could have picked us up. This van isn’t exactly my idea of a good ride.” Staci may have changed her tune, but the whining melody was still the same.

  “His car only seats two.”

  “Well Luke’s then. A Beamer isn’t something to sneeze at.”

  “And Madeleine would have seen him. Isn’t that what you want to avoid?” They’d staged their departures from the house so Madeleine had no idea what they were doing or that they were doing it together.

  “Oh. Yeah. Good point.” Staci rearranged her skirt. “But Luke’s bringing me home. Or… not.”

  “Up to you.” Staci hadn’t changed all that much, apparently. But the part she had, Bella was grateful for. Not completely trusting of it, but grateful. She’d take whatever help she could get in beating Madeleine.

  Her stomach roiled. Sell the restaurant? No way in hell. Not only was it her livelihood, but also her family legacy. She wanted to be able to pass it down to her children someday.

  An image of a little boy with chestnut hair and dark eyes flashed into her head, the same coloring as the guy getting out of the Ferrari in the dockside parking lot.

  Staci whistled. “Man, that is one sweet car.”

  “Uh huh.” Bella didn’t want to start the comparisons to the man.

  “I love that rearing stallion logo on the front.”

  Too late.

  “Kind of gets you all jumpy, like anyone driving one would be all rearing and stallion-y.”

  Bella groaned. Images she did not need. “Stallion-y? Is that even a word?”

  “You know what I mean.” Staci dragged her gaze from the car and looked at Bella. “Or maybe you don’t. Maybe that’s the problem. You know, Bella, you really should—”

  “Staci.” Bella put the van in park. “Let’s stick to business. The rearing stallion can run out to pasture, for all I care. Come on, let’s go.” She breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation ended right before Reese reached her van. That was one conversation she did not want him to overhear.


  Good Lord above. One word and she was ready to melt at his feet.

  She tugged the neckline of the coral dress up and pulled her wrap tighter around her shoulders. She should have worn the suit. Would have, but Staci hadn’t let up, and, well, the dress did look good on her. She’d even left her hair down. Not to impress anyone of course, but it’d be windy aboard The Midnight Maiden, so it only made sense to, pardon the pun, go with the flow.

  Stacy dashed around the front of the van. “Hey, Reese. Where’s Luke?”

  That’s what Bella had to admire about Staci—her subtlety.

  Reese didn’t do a very good job of hiding his smile, but he coughed to cover it and pointed to the pavilion. “Over there.”

  Staci’s one track mind—and body—went full steam ahead, leaving Bella alone with Reese, the evening crickets, and the supreme awareness of how delicious he looked in a chest- and shoulder-hugging navy blue crewneck sweater and camel jacket. A pair of dark jeans molded powerful thighs that she could only imagine—and, yes, she did—had been an asset in his football career.

  She wouldn’t mind getting in a huddle with him.

  Reese cleared his throat. “So, Vincent was fine with tonight, then?”

  Thank God he’d said something because she wasn’t quite sure how to recover from the hormonal bath her nerves were awash in. But Uncle Vinny? After the pissing contest they’d had in Reese’s office the other day, she wouldn’t have thought he’d want to discuss her uncle.

  “Fine? Um, yes. He was. Is there a reason he shouldn’t be?” She took her iPad out of her purse and the night breeze lifted her wrap and sent it fluttering to the ground.

  Reese bent down to pick it up, taking those few seconds to get his emotions under control. There definitely was a reason Vincent Casteleoni shouldn’t be fine tonight. Hell knew, Reese wouldn’t be, sending her off to a romantic locale for a dinner with some guy who was lusting after her, looking way too good in a peach dress that brought out the blue in her eyes and clung in all the right places.

  God, he really should be shot. He’d brought up Vincent—The Husband—as a blatant reminder to himself to keep his hands off. His eyes, too.

  Right. Reese stood up and tried to find some way to put this wrap around her shoulders without touching her.

  There wasn’t one. So he tried to do it with minimal contact and probably ended up looking like a big, uncoordinated oaf. Which was much better than a lascivious wife-poaching bastard. “Uh, no. No reason. Shall we join Luke and Staci?”

  “Okay. Thanks for getting my wrap.”

  “No problem.” Reese tried to come up with some small talk on the short walk over, but it eluded him. Kind of like what he’d been trying to do all week when it came to Bella. He’d even forbidden himself from checking her out online. Look for wedding photos, that sort of thing. He’d made it a point to immerse himself in other clients’ events and recruiting new celebrities. Business. Where his focus ought to be. He was pretty damn proud of his self-control.

  But then she tucked some hair behind her ear and he caught the slight lift of her breast in his peripheral vision, and one part of him had absolutely no control. It went to half mast in an instant.

  God, he needed to get a grip. And not on that part.

  “Hey guys,” said Luke and Reese had never been so glad to see him in his life, including the Hail Mary play. God, the irony of needing Luke to provide a buffer with a beautiful woman around.

  Luckily, Staci and Luke ran interference on his thoughts while they discussed the set up for the cocktail party beneath the pavilion. Reese had a few changes to the initial plan, they discussed the timing of the presentations, and generally managed to get the job done.

  If only he weren’t so damn tuned in to the fragrance of her perfume, the fruity scent of her shampoo, and the alluring essence that was all hers. She’d left her hair loose tonight and the wind tossed it around her shoulder in a flowing curtain his fingers were itching to caress.

  He shoved his hands into his pockets since his imagination and libido didn’t seem to be on board with tonight’s agenda.

  “I think that covers all the bases here.” Bella made a few more notes on her tablet.

  She looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes and lips he’d tasted and all he could think about was tasting them again. About taming her hair by wrapping it in his fists and kissing her senseless. Pulling her soft, curvy body into the hard planes of his, one hardness in particular, and ripping the thought of Vincent right out of her head.

  “Yes, we’re done here.” He more than the rest. “Let’s finish up with the auction itself. We’re planning to have the dinner on the deck of The Midnight Maiden. I’m concerned about the baked Alaska presentation if the wind keeps up like this. The captain won’t be very happy if your fire burns up his ship.” Never mind that her fire was burning up his—

  Yep, he was going to hell. One way ticket. First class.

  “It should be fine unless it’s really windy,” said Bella preceding him past the line of people with dinner reservations as they made their way up the roped gangplank. “Typically it’ll burn out by the time we reach the farthest tables and you’ll have the effect. But if it’s too much, we can do a controlled flame. I’ve done it before at weddings with small pitchers of brandy that we’ll light at the table. It takes a little longer and you won’t have that wow factor, but we’d rather have people safe than sorry.”

  He was sorry he’d let her precede him up the stairs to the top deck. The wind was doing riotous things to the hem of her dress which did
riotous things to his libido. Tanned, smoothed, toned legs in sexy-as-hell heels. He hoped it was ten degrees cooler on deck because he’d need it.

  Except then the wind messed up her hair exactly as if she’d spent a night of hot, sweaty sex, and the chill did nothing to cool him down.

  He took a deep breath, trying to regain that self control he’d been so proud of minutes ago. “The hospital administrators will sit here.” He motioned toward the starboard side of the bow and put a few extra paces between them. “And we’ll put the band over there. The dance floor will be cleared of tables after the fireworks.”

  “How long is the band playing?” Staci asked.

  “You won’t have to stay until they’re finished.” Reese said. “Dinner’s usually over by eight and the auction rarely goes past ten or so. We’ve got the band until one, but once dessert is over, you and Bella will be free to enjoy the party. The bartenders will be earning their tips at that point.”

  And if there was a God, Bella would leave and Vincent would never show up in the first place and he’d never have to have the torture of watching Bella in the guy’s arms.

  “We’re going to have a lot of serving dishes to run up and down that gangplank. Where do you want us to park?” Bella, thankfully, dispelled that image with her question.

  “There’s a reserved area by the service entrance at the back.”

  “Okay, then. That all sounds good.” She powered off her iPad and stuck it into her purse, then turned to Staci. “I guess that covers everything. Ready to go?”

  Staci propped a hand on her hip. Regardless of the clothes, that pose was designed to get attention and Luke’s eyes were all over her, the lucky SOB. At least the woman he lusted after wasn’t married.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something, Bella? Like, uh, dinner?”

  “We hadn’t planned on staying for dinner, Stace.”

  “I had.” Staci grabbed Luke’s arm and plastered herself to his side. “Right, Reese? We’re having dinner?”

  It took Reese a few seconds to process that Staci was asking him.

  Took Luke a few, too. “Stace, I thought—”

  “No, no.” Staci linked her other arm with Bella’s. “We need to have dinner here to get the full experience. And I’m sure one of you guys has enough of a name to bypass all those people down there in line, am I right?”

  She definitely knew which button to push for Luke; his ego wouldn’t let that challenge go unanswered.

  “I’ll be right back.” He sprinted toward the maitre d’.

  Yeah, the guy was a sucker for a pretty face. Or easy lay as the case may be—except Reese couldn’t figure Staci’s angle. He would’ve thought she’d want to be alone with Luke. Use the opportunity to get her claws into him.

  “I really can’t, Staci,” said Bella. “Remember, I’m taking Sophia out tomorrow? I should get home to bed.”

  There was an image he didn’t need.

  “Oh no you won’t.” Staci trapped Bella’s arm tighter to her side. “You’re staying. We’re going to have some fun.”

  Fun wasn’t the word Bella would have used. Not when she’d been trying to concentrate on what they’d been talking about and not notice the way the twinkling lights danced across the planes of Reese’s face. Or the way the wind rippled through his hair like her fingers wanted to. Or the flex of his abs beneath that shirt… She’d been way too aware of him for her own good and spending another minute, let alone hour, in his company was really going to be a test.

  “It’s all set,” said Luc, returning. “They have a table for us below deck.”

  “There. See?” Staci didn’t let go as she followed Luke back to the stairs. “No waiting. You’ll get home at a reasonable hour.”

  So Bella found herself sitting across a candlelit table in the darkly intimate belly of The Midnight Maiden, with hurricane glass lamps providing soft lighting, and the tables way too small and close together for a supposed business meeting, and all she wanted to do was, just once, forget about her responsibilities and her problems and let herself pretend what if.

  “So what celebrities are coming?” asked Staci once the waiter had taken their drink orders.

  Reese rattled off an impressive list for this part of the country. He’d really put a lot of work into this event. She was proud that the Casteleoni name would be affiliated with it.

  “And my mother, of course. If I can convince her. She doesn’t seem to think anyone remembers who she is.”

  Staci, was obviously a fan. “Carolyn Charmant is coming? Ohmygosh, I loved her last movie.”

  “Don’t tell her that,” said Reese, setting down his wine glass. “The word last in conjunction with movie is a sure way to get her to cry. She loved performing.”

  “Why did she stop?” Staci asked.

  “My dad asked her to. He had a heart attack and, you know they say you re-examine your priorities when things like that happen. She didn’t mind, actually. They’re more in love than the day they got married, I think. They’re always doing things together, especially spending time with the grandkids. For all that my mom enjoyed the limelight, give her a baby and she turns into Grandma.”

  It sounded so perfect. A family. A real, normal family. That’s all she wanted out of life. To find someone to spend her life with and create a family.

  An image of Reese and his child wound its way through her mind. And lodged in her soul.

  She closed her eyes, savoring it if only for a second. She was, after all, playing what if tonight.

  The conversation eventually turned to football, and Bella actually relaxed and enjoyed herself. The banter between Luke and Reese as they shared stories of games and pranks players had played on each other had them all laughing through dinner.

  “Metzner said you roped him into donating a dinner.” Luke said when dessert arrived. “Can you see him making small talk with people he doesn’t know?”

  “Hey, it’s for a good cause. The proceeds benefit several children’s funds that the hospital administers.”

  “Hey, Bella,” said Staci. “You should ask Vinny to donate something.”

  “Yeah, that’s a great idea,” said Luke. “Maybe a three-hole design for someone’s backyard. That’d up the resale value. What do you think, Reese?”

  “It’s not necessary. We have enough.”

  And just like that, the mood was over. Reese sat up straighter in his chair and fiddled with the edge of the napkin he’d tossed onto the table.

  She knew Uncle Vinny should have behaved himself. “Oh, but I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  “It’s fine, Bella. All taken care of.”

  “Yeah, but, just think, Reese,” said Staci once more oblivious to anything but herself. “Vinny’s got a big name in this town. People would bet tons of money.”

  “Really, not necessary. The auction is big enough.” Reese lifted his empty wine glass and rolled the stem between his fingers. “But thanks for the thought. No need to put yourself out on this, Bella.”

  Message received loud and clear: stick to what she knew and back off his end of the program. Okay then…

  “Well, sure. Fine. But if you change your mind, all you have to do is ask.” She grabbed her purse and stood up. “I’ll be going. Thank you for dinner. Staci do you need a ride?”

  Staci looked sideways at Luke. “Do I?”

  Luke stroked her arm. “You got one right here, babe.”

  Bella had to look away. Sure, Staci got the guy. Bella got a lonely bed and useless dreams.

  She nodded and made sure to look at Reese one last time before she left. This was business and she was a professional. “Thank you again for dinner. Have a nice evening.”

  “Well, geez. I was only trying to be helpful,” said Staci as Bella left. “I wonder what crawled up her butt.”

  Reese tried not to groan as he pulled his eyes from Bella’s butt. He was an ass. He’d overreacted and hurt her feelings. God, what was wrong with him?

  “I kno
w you were, Stace. There’s no need to apologize.” Luke put his hand on hers, but drilled Reese with his gaze. “You, on the other hand…”

  Reese sighed. Luke was right. He tossed a few bills onto the table. “Have a good night, you two.” Then he set off to fix the one he’d ruined.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Well, now.” Luke turned on his charm. Not that he needed to; Staci was ripe for the, er, plucking, but it was good to keep the skill up. “I thought we’d never get rid of them.” He ran his hand up Staci’s arm. She shivered and he grinned. No matter what Tanya said, he still had it.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I invited her to stay tonight. She never gets out.”

  Altruism? In Staci? This was unexpected.

  “No. I don’t mind.” And he hadn’t. It’d given him some foreplay time. Running his fingers along her thigh, touching her foot with his… He liked to get that shit out of the way early. Left more time for the main event when they got to it. And they’d get to it, no doubt about it. “Want to dance? I’ve been dying to get you in my arms all night.”

  She blushed. Yeah, he still had it.

  “Okay. Let’s.”

  She shivered again when he took her hand and pulled her into his arms. Could be the breeze, but he’d take it. Nothing like having a beautiful woman cuddle into him.

  She smelled nice. He’d noticed at dinner. Funny, but when he’d met her in Reese’s office he could have sworn she had on some overly commercial sharp perfume, but tonight, she’d toned it down. Like with the outfit.

  Soft, frilly blouse that covered more than he wanted it to, a skirt that let him know she had curves but not quite how curvy… He’d been expecting something that left nothing to his imagination, and this outfit made his imagination work overtime—as in, getting her out of it. Undoing the buttons with his teeth and licking every centimeter in between.

  “I had a good time tonight,” he whispered. Women liked that shit.

  She smiled against his cheek. “Me, too.”

  “Good.” He moved his hand a little lower.

  Staci moved it back.